L400 Packmatic Tray Sealer


L400 Packmatic Tray Sealer

£3,420.00 £3,228.00 inc VAT (£2,690.00 ex VAT)

Availability: 21-28 days From Italy SKU: L400


Packmatic Tray Sealer

Semi-automatic tray sealers for the vacuum packaging of food products.

The Packmatic tray sealer represents the ideal solution for supermarkets and delicatessen stores because, thanks to their versatility, they can vacuum pack and properly seal on to a wide range of trays. These tray-sealers are equipped with a perfect balanced sealing plate’s pressure system with no ‘exposed heating elements’, which enables an excellent performance, granting high safety levels for the operators.

Overall dimensions   520mm x 540mm x 500mm H

Maximum container dimensions mm 265mm x 325mm

Digital Control

Power 1520W

240V  50Hz



Lavezzini have been manufacturing vacuum packing machines since 1983 and the aim is to supply customers with technologically advanced products. No matter if it concerns external suctions machines, vacuum packers with chamber or tray sealers: Lavezzini equipment can be a fundamental tool for any professional kitchen. Experience, innovation and technology are the milestones of "Lavezzini" group, one of the main manufacturers of vacuum packing machines worldwide.

Additional information

Weight 40 kg