S96 Star 96 Industrial Bag Heat Sealer


S96 Star 96 Industrial Bag Heat Sealer


SKU: PSS96 Star 96 see options
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The Star 96 / PS S96 is a bench mounted or free standing industrial heat sealer for most applications, a range of stands are available. Available with either one or both jaws heated it can seal most modern plastic, biodegradable, foil, paper and laminate packaging.  Solenoid operated automatic jaws allow operators the ability to prepare the next product during the sealing cycle. If greater weld pressure is required pneumatic jaw operation is available. The machine can be finished in either powder coated mild steel or stainless steel for more corrosive environments.
The MkVI offers weld and cool control to the nearest 1/10th of a second or degree C and has a built in program to help counteract the effects of heat build up during rapid cycling. Adjustment is made by the keypad with an LCD readout of the settings. The keys can also be locked to prevent unauthorized alteration.

If more accurate controls are required, the  Star 96 ARTICS controller also allows a weld and cool temperature to be set. This allows for a perfect weld to be achieved every cycle. All settings are password protected and the board allows up to 8 different sets of parameters to be programmed. Alarm parameters can be set to give operational tolerances and a preheat is available for more rapid welding.

This Industrial Heat Sealer is configured to order so please contact PackSealer for stock lead time and delivery, Please note that the machine is NOT supplied with a stand.

Star 96 Options:

  • MkVI C Controller
  • ARTICS Controller
  • Medical Touch Screen Controller
  • Pneumatic Operation
  • Constant Heat
  • Heavy Duty Shrouded Foot Switch (included if stainless machine)
  • Heavy Duty Air Foot Switch
  • Twin Push Button Start with Safety Relay
  • Emergency Stop Button with Safety Relay
  • Manual Safety Cutter
  • 5 point Temperature Calibration for ARTICS or Medical Controller
  • 5 point Pressure Calibration for ARTICS or Medical Controller
  • Stands (Please note that the machine is NOT supplied with a stand) contact PackSealer for stand options.
  • Stand Casters
  • Maintenance Kit

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Customise the Star 96 heat sealer with a range of control options.

The process of impulse heat sealing involves heating the material being sealed beyond its melt point, pressing the two layers together then cooling it to produce a solid seal. The more control over the weld temperature, weld time and cooling temperature the better and more consistent the weld produced. Welds produced without enough heat or time can look sealed but may separate if pressure is applied. Such seals produced without enough cooling appear to be molten and are weaker than a seal that has been allowed to cool under pressure properly. Welds produced without enough pressure may separate easily or appear molten even if enough heat and cool are used.
To prevent unauthorised alteration of the sealing parameters the MkVI and MkVI C controllers come complete with a built in keypad lock. The Star ARTICS and Medical controllers have multi level pass code protection to aid with validation process control.

Star bag sealers and vacuum sealers offer you the option of four different controllers which are available on most of our machine range. The MkVI controller is fitted as standard (with the exception of the Medical Vacuum Sealer). Like most impulse sealers, this uses a weld and cool time (the element heats up for the weld time and is off for the cool time). Unlike most other heat sealers the weld and cool times are displayed to the nearest 1/10th of a second and the controller includes a heat build up compensation program.

The MkVI C allows the weld and cool temperature to be set. This allows it to automatically adjust for problems with heat build up. The element heats up until it reaches the weld temperature, then is turned off. The jaws open once the cool temperature is reached, allowing the material being sealed to set properly before release.

The Star ARTICS controller takes the level of control even further. The heating element heats up to the weld temperature and holds the set temperature for a set time. It then cools the element to a temperature or time, dependent on application. There is also a preheat option so the machine heats the element to a set temperature when not in use. When fitted to a Medical Vacuum machine the ARTICS controller also controls the vacuum and gas flush times.

The Star Medical controller has the same features as the ARTICS controller, with the additional features of measuring and controlling the weld pressure, independent second temperature control (if a second element is used) and seal cycle data storage for upload to a computer. When fitted to the Medical Vacuum Sealer the Star Medical controller also measures and controls the vacuum and gas flush levels in mBar.

Star MkVI Controller
Fitted as standard to most machines

  • Weld and cool timed to the nearest 1/10th of a second
  • Membrane keypad with LCD display and LED indicators
  • Lock the keypad to prevent unauthorised alteration
  • Programmable heat compensation built in to reduce weld time during rapid and repeated operation
  • Built in adjustable jaws closing timeout alarm for operator safety
  • Coded error reporting on the display
  • Power to the elements and jaws closed actuator cut in any error state

MkVI C Controller
Optional on most machines

  • Weld and cool temperatures measured to the nearest 1°C
  • Membrane keypad with LCD display and LED indicators
  • Lock the keypad to prevent unauthorised alteration
  • Automatically compensates for heat build up during rapid and repeated operation
  • Built in adjustable jaws closing timeout alarm for operator safety
  • Coded error reporting on the display
  • Power to the elements and jaws closed actuator cut in any error state

Star ARTICS Controller (Advanced Real Time Impulse Control System)
Optional on most machines

  • Weld and cool temperatures measured to the nearest 1°C and 1/10th of a second
  • Preheat temperature for the element when not in use
  • Membrane keypad with Multi Line LCD display and LED indicators
  • All settings protected with multi-level passwords
  • Set alarms for temperature deviation during the weld cycle
  • Built in adjustable jaws closing timeout alarm for operator safety
  • Timed vacuum and gas flush cycle on Medical Vacuum Sealer
  • Alphanumeric error reporting on the display with audible signal
  • Power to the elements and jaws closed actuator cut in any error state
  • Store up to 10 pre-set programmes with an alphanumeric name
  • Built in batch counter

Star Medical Controller
Optional on pneumatically operated machines

The Star Medical controller comes with all the features of the ARTICS controller plus:

  • Twin channel temperature control for a second element
  • Sealing pressure monitoring with alarm parameters
  • You can control the seal pressure electronically
  • Vacuum and gas flush level monitored in mBar
  • Seal cycle data recording and stored for upload onto a computer


Star Universal

Star Universal British Heat Sealers

Star Universal manufacture heavy duty bag sealers, vacuum sealers and specialised industrial heat sealers in the UK. The range of Star Universal industrial heat sealers, sack sealers and vacuum sealers offers flexibility and reliability whether you are sealing polyethylene bags, medical pouches, laminate vacuum pouches or foil bags. The UK factory ensure the highest of standards and quality assured impulse heat sealers. Many sealers are built to order so it is worth checking first with PackSealer to confirm the availability and delivery lead time. Star Universal have been designing and manufacturing industrial heat sealers for over 40 years. They can produce custom and special purpose heat sealing machinery meeting client requirements across a wide range of industries. If you need a modification to one of the standard heat sealers or something more unusual, PackSealer will work with you and Star to produce a solution based on Star's proven heat sealing equipment. Quality and consistency of seal are the qualities of Star Universal heat sealing machines. Heat compensation technology helps every seal to be the same high standard, even during repeated cycling of the heat sealer. Star’s Mk.VI C, Medical and ARTICS controllers have a heat sensor inserted into the sealing jaws giving unrivalled control of sealing temperature.  Star also offer a fully validatable Medical sealer which has been approved by the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. Star Universal industrial bag sealers, sack sealers and vacuum sealers have a well-deserved reputation for durability and reliability. Full spares and service support for the range of bag sealing machines, direct from PackSealer. Please note that Star Universal heat sealers may have to be made to order and are not stocked by PACKSEALER. Please check with PACKSEALER for delivery information prior to ordering.