Audion SealKid 421 Element Wire


Audion SealKid 421 Element Wire

£17.94 £16.74 inc VAT (£13.95 ex VAT)

Availability: 4 in stock SKU: PSW421SK


Compatible Audion 421 sealkid element wire 620mm

Spare element wire for the Audion 421 SealKid heat sealer

3mm x 0.1mm, 447mm between centre of eyes 420SKW
Heat Seal element Flat Wire with copper square tabs

Need Compatible Teflon?

Over Wire Order: PST1015A  Roll 15mm PTFE (Teflon) 

Under Wire Order: Teflon 15mm Adhesive – Underwire | PackSealer

Minimum order 4 wires

Always order the original spares kits to avoid invalidating the machine warranty.

Link for the full original spare parts kits:

Spare part sets:

Audion Seal Kid 621 Spares Kit

Audion Sealkid 236 Spares Kit

Audion Sealkid 321 Spares Kit

Audion Sealkid 421 Spares Kit

Important!  Please refer to the Audion Seal Kid User Manual for instruction on changing the pressure pad, cutter blade, element wire and PTFE Teflon. Mis-fitting of the PTFE Teflon and Wire can cause a short circuit and  machine failure.



Audion Packaging Machines are high quality European made packaging machines with a worldwide service network.

With Audion you have a choice of packaging machines that meet your production requirements. The extensive range of machines covers a large packaging need. Audion Elektro specialise in design and development and manufacture of packaging machinery for the high-end packaging industry. Audion Packaging Machines are sold worldwide and pack everything; from medical, industrial parts to food. Audion Elektro manufacture high quality products for every market, from industrial to retail, standard or custom made, Audion develop a solution for your packaging challenges. Not only for today, but also for the future.

Audion Packing Machines:

  • Table top heat sealers
  • Medical / pharmaceutical / high tech packaging
  • Vacuum packing
  • Automatic packaging
  • Shrink packaging
  • Rotary / Band sealers
  • Tray sealers
  • Packaging material – Consumables
  • Packaging machines for E-commerce
As well as producing standard machines, Audion are happy to provide bespoke models where required.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Spare Parts

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